Minister of State Dara Calleary. Photo: Alison Laredo

Development sanctioned for north Mayo school

MAYO Minister of State Dara Calleary has confirmed that a new extension has been sanctioned for Breaffy NS in Ballina.

The extension, comprising of a new mainstream classroom, will be built on the existing school site outside of Ballina.

Said Minister Calleary: “I am delighted, following my representations to Minister Norma Foley, to be able to confirm this news for Breaffy NS.

“I wish to congratulate the school community, led by principal Vincent Duffy, the staff, the students and the parents on their ongoing work and commitment to excellence in education.

“This development represents further investment in the school infrastructure in the Ballina area which has been transformed in the past four years of this government.

“There is still work to be done and I will continue to work with Minister Foley and local schools to continue this progress.”