Expressions of interest sought for affordable housing schemes in Mayo

EXPRESSIONS of interest are being sought by Mayo County Council for building contractors and housing developers for the delivery of affordable housing units in Castlebar and Westport, Minister of State Alan Dillon has announced.

Building contractors and housing developers are being asked to consider offering properties with planning permission to Mayo County Council under an advance purchase turnkey arrangement.

The Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning explained: “This call is targeted at advance purchase opportunities for a minimum of 10 dwellings in any one scheme. Where proposals for affordable housing are received and considered acceptable, Mayo County Council will make an application to the Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) under the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage for a subsidy to assist in meeting the cost of delivery of affordable purchase housing.

“Where mixed tenure schemes are provided (affordable/social) there is a requirement that no more than 30% of the scheme is allocated to social, where mixed tenure schemes over 40 units are proposed.”

The Affordable Housing Fund application is subject to approval by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Once funding is agreed, the council will enter into an advanced purchase agreement with the developer.

The advance purchase agreement provides for the direct sale of homes by the developer to an eligible purchaser nominated by the local authority. Mayo County Council will assess the affordable purchaser’s eligibility and nominate them.

Minister Dillon said: “I am delighted to see progress on the creation of further affordable housing for Westport and new affordable housing units in Castlebar. I am satisfied that work is being done on their delivery as this has been a key priority of mine since I was appointed Minister of State at the Department of Housing.”

Interested parties are advised to download the expression of interest form which is available on the Mayo County Council website, The deadline for applications is September 20.

Please submit a completed expression of interest application form as soon as possible but no later than September 20.

For further details, email