ISPCA encourages pet owners in Mayo to spay or neuter their animals

Neutering your pet(s) can prevent illness and some unwanted behaviours, and the ISPCA is appealing to pet owners in Mayo to spay or neuter their pets as early as possible, emphasising the positive benefits and the most effective way to control pet overpopulation.

The charity is asking the public to ‘stop the suffering’ and talk to their vet as soon as possible for expert advice.

Dr. Pete Wedderburn, veterinary surgeon and trustee of the ISPCA (better known as ‘Pete the Vet’), advocates for the spaying and neutering of pets, stating: “It’s the most effective way to prevent accidental litters of kittens and puppies being born, emphasising the appropriate time based for your pet's specific breed and individual needs, so please discuss this with to your vet today and get the procedure done.”

Pete adds: “There are still numerous misconceptions surrounding spaying and neutering dogs. For example, some owners believe that neutering their pet could negatively impact its health, personality or can be a dangerous or an unaffordable procedure. This is not true.

“Spaying female dogs and cats removes the risk of ovarian cancer and greatly reduces the chances of breast cancer. Neutering male dogs and cats lowers the risk of prostate cancer. Plus, neutered pets are less likely to want to wander off or get into fights, so please make an informed decision to do what’s right for your pet.”

ISPCA CE Dr. Cyril Sullivan says: “We are encouraging pet owners to consider the positive benefits of getting this procedure done, ensuring that you are in no way contributing to the over-population problem, which is having a serious impact on animal welfare charity resources.

“We are currently dealing with a dog welfare crisis, as many people who got a puppy during the pandemic now have found that their circumstances have changed and are looking to surrender their pets for various reasons. Some of these dogs are not spayed or neutered. One solution is neutering or spaying, preventing accidental litters from being born in the first place and ending up in rescue centres.”

Best-selling author, model and ISPCA ambassador Rosanna Davison is supporting the ISPCA’s SpayAware message, highlighting the many benefits of neutering or spaying your pets.

She states: “We can all make a difference by doing the right thing, by getting them spayed or neutered as early as possible, giving them the best chance of a longer, healthier and happier life”.

SpayAware has the continued support of Veterinary Ireland, with many veterinary practices providing fact sheets in animal clinics and surgeries across the country. The message is simple: when you get a new pet, be sure to discuss spaying or neutering with your vet.

Spaying or neutering is important for two reasons: first, for the sake of your pet’s health and behaviour, and second, to help combat Ireland’s resurgence in overpopulation of cats and dogs. Visit for more information about spaying or neutering your pet.

The ISPCA is also recommends anyone thinking about getting a new pet to give a rescued animal a chance by adopting a dog or cat from the ISPCA or another animal welfare charity. All ISPCA rescued cats and dogs will already be spayed or neutered, and puppies/kittens will be when they are old enough. For more information about adopting a dog from the ISPCA, visit