Mayo Sports Partnership launches Sports Ability Week 2024

Following the success of the last three years, Mayo Sports Partnership is thrilled to announce the highly anticipated launch of Sports Ability Week 2024 – an initiative aimed at increasing awareness of community sports and physical activity opportunities for people with disabilities across Co. Mayo.

In collaboration with various partner organisations and local clubs, Mayo Sports Partnership has put together a comprehensive week of activities taking place from Monday next, June 24, until Sunday, June 30.

Sports Ability Week is part of Mayo Sports Partnership's Sports Inclusion Programme, which aims to promote inclusivity and provide accessible sporting opportunities for individuals of all abilities. The week-long event offers a diverse range of activities, catering to different interests and abilities. From walking to kayaking and football to cycling, there is something for everyone.

These activities highlight some of the greatest outdoor amenities available in Co. Mayo, and are suitable for all age groups. Included in the week’s activities are the Inclusive GAA Cúl Camps for children with additional needs, a first in 2024, plus kayaking for children and adults with additional needs, all concluding with a family fun sports day with Mayo Autism Camp in Manulla on Sunday, June 30.

Charlie Lambert, head of Mayo Sports Partnership, emphasised that the focus of the week is on people's abilities rather than disabilities, further reinforcing the message of inclusivity.

He said: “Sports clubs all around the county are more aware of the need to be inclusive, and Mayo Sports Partnership can provide training and support for clubs who wish to set up a sport for all section of their activities.”

Ray McNamara, sports inclusion disability officer, encouraged individuals of all abilities to participate in the diverse range of events, stating: “We have never had such a wide menu of sports available to all in the county. It is great to see local clubs becoming more inclusive and providing opportunities for all members of the community to participate.”

Sports Ability Week 2024 is a remarkable opportunity to celebrate inclusivity in sports and encourage individuals of all abilities to actively participate in sporting activities. Mayo Sports Partnership invites everyone to join in and experience the joy and benefits of being involved in sport and physical activity.

A calendar of events can be dowloaded here. Clubs interested in becoming more inclusive can contact Ray McNamara at or (087) 6973093.