The Basilica at Knock Shrine.

Mayo pilgrimage shrine embracing solar power in cost-saving move

KNOCK Shrine is going solar, with new solar panels recently installed on its world-famous basilica.

In recognition of the shrine’s climate action responsibilities and commitment towards energy and carbon reduction, new PV solar panels have been installed on the roof of Knock Basilica.

In recent years, the shrine's commitment to reduce carbon through energy improvements has included improvements in heating systems efficiency and improved heating controls.

This work is ongoing and will continue during the coming years to improve more buildings to reduce energy and carbon.

Fr. Richard Gibbons, P.P. and Rector, commenting on the shrine's social media, said: “Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are now installed on the roof of the Basilica.

"As these panels generate electricity in a wholly renewable manner, Knock Shrine will significantly reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to mitigating climate change.

“Additionally, this initiative will contribute significant cost savings and reduce our reliance on the national grid electricity.”