Mayo returning officer John Condon.

Merited praise for Mayo returning officer and his election team

Castlebar based Councillor Blackie Gavin has praised Mayo returning officer John Condon for his work during the election counts.

He stated: “John is the finest returning officer in the country and his team with him did a fantastic job and deserve to be commended for it.”

The count in the TF Royal Hotel and Theatre continued for several days with the final councillors elected in the Castlebar municipal district at 8.30 a.m. and the final councillors coronated at 4 a.m. in Ballina on the Tuesday morning.

The count received added difficulty with the mammoth Midlands North West constituency needing the main theatre for counting close to a million ballots, the Ruby Room and Velvet Room in the TF Royal played host to local election counts with council staff working through the night to ensure the duty of democracy was carried out.