Off-licence plan for N17 service station rejected by Mayo planners

PLANS for an off-licence at a service station along the N17 in east Mayo have been turned down.

The application refused by Mayo County Council related to the Knock Road Service Station outside Kilkelly.

Permission was sought for internal alterations to provide for a retail off-licence subsidiary to the main retail use, and retention of a single storey ancillary cafe/store area extension at the service station in Barnahesker, Kilkelly.

Road safety was an issue raised by the planning department in recommending a refusal.

The proposed development would be contrary to specific policies which seek to protect and preserve the strategic function of national routes such as the N17, a planner's report stated.

It would undermine the achievement of these policy objectives and therefore would endanger public safety by reason of traffic hazard or obstruction of road users or otherwise.

It was also considered that there was insufficient evidence on file that the proposed development would not result in an intensification of use onto the national primary road at a point where the speed limit of 100mph applies. In addition, sight visibility distance requirements had not been met.