Crimecall TV appeal for information on Mayo burglary

Gardai have appealed for information about an early morning break-in to a filling station in Balla last April in which a substantial quantity of cigarettes and some cash was stolen.

CCTV footage shown on RTE’s Crimecall this week shows three men approaching the front door of the premises shortly after 5 a.m.

One suspected forced the door open and then all three entered.

All three rushed behind the counter and forced open the cigarette machine and cash tills.

The gang spent several minutes emptying their haul into several large containers.

Once the containers gang members haul them, along with several large boxes of cigarettes, out of the shop.

According to Crime Call, all three suspects covered themselves up in order to conceal their identities.

The gang members are believed to be in their 20s or 30s and are of medium build.

They left Balla in a gold coloured Kia car.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crimecall at 1800405060, email or get in touch with any garda station.