Mayo Deputy seeks support for inshore fishing sector

Minister is to reconsider quota allocation

Michael Ring sought support for the inshore fishing sector at a recent meeting of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine, particularly regarding hook and line mackerel policy and quota, with the Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue.

Deputy Ring raised his concerns during a discussion on implementating the Irish Inshore Fisheries Sector Strategy 2019-2023.

According to Deputy Ring, “You see big boats coming into this country’s waters and sweeping up the fish and the smaller-sized fishing organisations based out of rural Ireland are not getting what they deserve. The best way to support our inshore fishing sector is to give them more quota so that they actually make a living from the sector, which will in turn support jobs in our rural communities.

“Fishing is a traditional occupation and although it can be a difficult job and a hard life, many of our fishermen want to stay in the industry. It is time that the smaller-sized fishing operations were supported. Giving them more quota is the best economic way to support and help the sector.”

“I also raised the issue of fuel costs as this is also an issue for the fishermen.”

Minister McConalogue in his response stated “Last year, as a result of a long battle at European Council level on securing extra mackerel quota, which had previously been fished by Denmark, we secured a permanent increase in the quota. It is under consideration now as to whether there is a case for reconsidering the allocation of quota.”

Deputy Ring continued “To be fair, a small quota for the inshore fishers would make a great difference. As far as I am concerned, the big boats have enough quota. We are trying to keep rural Ireland alive. We are trying to keep jobs in the sector.”

Minister McConalogue then confirmed that, “On the need for some support for the inshore sector, I am finalising the details of a scheme in relation to that. I plan to announce it in the next two to three weeks because I recognise the pressure the sector is under.”

Deputy Ring welcomed the Minister’s consideration of the issues raised. “ I look forward to the scheme being announced in support of the inshore fishing sector.”