Appeal by residents against Mayo vehicle inspection building is rejected

An appeal against the construction of a building for the inspection of light and heavy commercial vehicles near residential homes in Castlebar has been rejected by an Bord Pleanála.

However, the decision to grant permission was made against the recommendation by the board's inspector that it should be refused.

MDS Commercial Centre Europe was given the go-ahead some time ago by Mayo County Council for the facility at Castlebar Retail Park, off Brefafy Road.

An appeal to this development by the adjacent Maryland Residents Association had been lodged with An Bord Pleanála following an outline of their concerns to Mayo council planners.

The appeal submission contained a number of issues, including noise nuisance, opening hours, air pollution, the development being located in the Golden Mile Industrial Estate, lack of a landscaping noise buffer, fire safety concerns, planning enforcement and impact on residential amenity.

Council planners sought, and received, additional information on a number of points, including a noise survey, operating hours and use of the building.

They found the additional premises would not have a negative impact on adjoining residential amenities.

An Bord Pleanala, in deciding not to accept the inspector's report to refuse permission, ruled proposed development is in accordandce accorded with the draft Castlebar and Environs Local Area Plan 2023-2029 and felt that, subject to compliance with a number of outlined conditions, it will not detract from the amenity of adjoining properties.

Conditions set out under Bord Pleanala's ruling included water and drainage arrangements, specific access via existing entrance, monitoring of day and night noise levels during and post construction, hours and days of operation, and maintenance of trees/hedgerows.

The decision is open to a challenge by way of judicial review under the Planning and Deveopment Act 2000.