Community groups in Mayo invited to host a water-related event during National Heritage Week

The Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) is encouraging community groups in Mayo to apply under the Water Heritage Day Grants Scheme 2024 to celebrate Water Heritage Day on Sunday, August 25.

LAWPRO is a national shared service working on behalf of the 31 local authorities in Ireland coordinating efforts to achieve good water quality across the country.

Speaking about the €30,000 grants scheme, Anthony Coleman, director of services at LAWPRO, said: “We are delighted to once again invite community groups to organise a water-related event for Heritage Week. The theme of Heritage Week 2024 is 'Connections, Routes & Networks', and our rivers play a big part in the connectivity of our island. In historic times they were networks for movement, trading and exploration.

“Water Heritage Day gives communities a fantastic opportunity to celebrate our heritage through water whether it be hosting a river safari, a talk at the riverside or launching a booklet on a local waterway there are ample ways to get involved.”

You are asked to consult with your local community water officer in advance of making an application. Their contact details are on the LAWPRO website. The deadline for making an application is Tuesday, July 16.

Virginia Teehan, CEO of the Heritage Council, has welcomed LAWPRO’s grant programme. She stated: “Water Heritage Day continues to be a significant highlight during National Heritage Week every year, showcasing the creative and ingenious ways communities celebrate the impact of canals, lakes, rivers and the sea on our local heritage. This year, particularly given the theme of ‘Connections, Routes & Networks’, I am excited to see what kinds of events we see for Water Heritage Day.

“This LAWPRO grant scheme will enable people to explore and highlight our water-based connections, emphasising how vital they are to our natural heritage. It's a wonderful opportunity for event organisers to avail of supports that will encourage them to dive into our shared history and appreciate the incredible resource our waters provide.”

LAWPRO works in partnership with the Heritage Council, and to run a Heritage Week event you are encouraged to register your event on their website.

By submitting an event on the Heritage Week website and receiving a LAWPRO grant, you could also be in with a chance to win a Water Heritage Award in 2024.