Mayo anglers advised on threat of invasive pink salmon
The threat posed to native Atlantic salmon across the entire North Atlantic region by invasive pink salmon was discussed during a special themed session of meeting of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO) held in Westport.
Environment Minister Eamon Ryan said In a European context the instances of significant invasion are in Scandinavian and northern waters although pink salmon have been observed in very limited numbers in waters further south including Ireland.
He elaborated: "My department’s policy and that of Inland Fisheries Ireland is that pink salmon is an invasive alien species.
"Anglers, fishers and members of the public have been asked to retain any pink salmon encountered and present these fish to IFI for analysis.
"This policy initiative is supported by a public information campaign (including images and description) to assist with the identification of this species.
"Ireland is at the forefront, via our involvement in NASCO, in supporting concerted international cooperation to address the threat of pink salmon.
"Current fisheries policy does not provide for the protection or conservation of this species but supports its removal from our inland waters."