Mayo TD clashes with FF leader over asylum applicants

A Mayo TD has revealed figures released to her show there are fewer asylum applicants and Ukrainians in State-funded accommodation today than a year ago.

Deputy Rose Conway Walsh (SF) outlined: "Almost 10,000 fewer people are being housed by the State than there were at the start of the year, with 85,215 in January and 76,087 now.

"This is a positive development but I was taken aback when I saw these figures and I think most people would be.

"The chaos splashed across the media presents a very different story. The government's handling of this issue creates an impression of a system overwhelmed, a narrative the government is happy to go along with.

"We have seen more and more hotel beds taken out of the system and tent encampments springing up across Dublin city as people are left to sleep on the streets.

"The government owes the public an explanation as to why, if fewer people are in State-funded accommodation today than a year ago, have we seen nothing but chaos."

Tanáiste Micheál Martin replied: "I am confused by what the deputy is saying. She seems to be saying the situation is not as bad as portrayed.

"The only people who have portrayed it as very bad is Sinn Féin every now and again in attacking the government."

Deputy Conway-Walsh: "Please, this is very serious."

Deputy Martin: "I am taking it seriously."

Deputy Conway-Walsh: "The impression is given that the system is overwhelmed."

Deputy Martin: "We have never given that impression but Sinn Féin has.

"Many deputies want to convey that impression.

"The fact of the matter is there has been an unprecedented increase in the number of asylum seekers coming to the country.

"On the Ukrainian side, approximately 106,000 came in and this has reduced over time. I think it is down to 83,000.

"There has been a continued increase in the number of those seeking asylum in the country and there has been a decrease in number of Ukrainians still in our country and still in the system but it is still at very high levels."