Victim of Mayo quad bike tragedy was on nostalgic visit to island

A post mortem examination has concluded but funeral arrangements have yet to be announced for U.S. citizen Michael Gallagher who died in a quad bike accident on Achill Island on Sunday.

Mr. Gallagher, who was 87, had been visiting friends in the Achill area.

Around lunchtime on Sunday he was travelling the road to Purteen Harbour, near Keel, when the vehicle left the road.

Local emergency services including gardai, coastguard and fire personnel responded immediately but there was little they could do to help Mr. Gallagher who was pronounced dead at the scene.

It is understood Mr. Gallagher, who has connections to Achill and was on a nostalgic visit there, is a resident of San Francisco on the U.S. west coast.

The tragedy has come as an immense shock for the people of Achill and the wider community.

Funeral details are expected later.