NBI connected customers Bridget Joyce and her granddaughter, Fiona Hyland.

100-year-old Mayo woman stays connected with NBI's fibre network

A 100-year-old Mayo woman is enjoying staying connected with her local community through the National Broadband Ireland (NBI) network.

This is the latest innovation being embraced by Bridget Joyce from Newport who has reflected on other life-changing events in her lifetime, like the arrival of electricity.

NBI is investing €145 million to ensure high-speed fibre access for 37,000 Mayo homes, farms and businesses.

The company met with local woman Bridget Joyce who is connected to the network and enjoys simple pleasures in her daily life, such as reading the news online and watching Mass.

Born in Kilbride, Newport, in 1924, Bridget is the latest customer to connect to high-speed fibre broadband under the National Broadband Plan.

She recalls days of her youth living in rural Mayo without electricity, sharing her memories of carrying paraffin oil from the nearby town back to her family home.

Said Bridget: “We were living a long time with no electricity. I remember the days when we carried paraffin oil a mile from the town on our way to school and carried it home again. We did this until the 1960s when electricity finally came to our village.

“Now with fibre broadband, I can do so much from home. I would have never believed what could be done. I’m able to watch Mass and keep up with everything - all online.

“The Westnet team connected our home to NBI’s fibre network and even hooked up my iPad. It’s great to get that level of support.”

Bridget lives with her granddaughter, Fiona Hyland, who said: “Having fibre broadband in our home has done wonders for my granny. It keeps her engaged and her mind active. It has huge benefits - boosts her mood and prevents cognitive decline, especially if somebody is isolated socially and geographically. It really is her connection to the world.

“I use our broadband connection for online banking and Netflix. It’s massively beneficial to be able to use these services from the comfort of your own home.”

Peter Hendrick, chief executive officer, National Broadband Ireland, said: “It’s encouraging to see people of all ages and walks of life benefitting from connecting to the NBI network. We often talk about the life-changing benefits that fibre broadband can deliver for people by connecting them to the rest of the world, but Bridget’s story demonstrates how important access to good quality internet can be for keeping us in touch with our local communities too.”

Almost 10,500 properties, including homes, businesses and farms in the rural surrounds of Castlebar, Ballina and Newport, are ready to connect and he encouraged people to visit the NBI website, https://nbi.ie/, where they can check their Eircode and sign up for updates.

David McDonnell, chief technical officer, Westnet, added: “It's with great delight that Westnet comes together with NBI to honour a cherished member of the community who, at the incredible age of 100, has embraced the future of Internet connectivity by connecting to Westnet fibre broadband over the NBI network. This connection shows that internet connectivity can enrich lives, no matter of age, keeping families connected and bringing communities closer together.”