Significant progress on extensions for two Mayo schools

TWO secondary schools in Mayo - Balla Secondary School and St. Gerald’s College, Castlebar - have been approved extensions by the Department of Education under the Additional Accommodation Scheme.

Balla Secondary School has received initial project approval for a devolved extension to include a science lab and prep area, engineering room and prep area and a graphics room.

In relation to St. Gerald’s College, they have received approval to proceed to tender for their devolved extension which will include four general classrooms, a construction studies/woodwork room and prep area, locker, textiles room and a home economics room.

Deputy Michael Ring has welcomed this 'significant' level of investment in the schools.

He stated: “I am sure that the teachers and students will hugely benefit from the additional accommodation being provided.

“Capital funding in our education system in vital to improve the learning environment for all children.”