At the launch of Ballinrobe Community Futures Action Plan were members of Ballinrobe Community Futures Committee with Minister of State Alan Dillon, who officially launched the plan. From left: Minister of State Alan Dillon, Mary Smith, Helen O'Shea, Frank Keane and Mary Jackson. Photo: Trish Forde

Swimming pool a priority for south Mayo town

By Patrick Hennelly

THE Ballinrobe Community Futures Plan Action Plan 2023-2028 was officially launched by Minister of State Alan Dillon at a well-attended Ballinrobe Library grounds.

The Community Futures Action Plan is the result of extensive community engagement, giving the community the opportunity to have their say on what facilities they would like for the future of Ballinrobe. And a swimming pool is a big request.

The plan is a detailed analysis and summaries the community’s views on: What Ballinrobe is like now; The vision for the future of the area; The issues that matter most; Priorities for projects and action.

The plan will be a guide for what the community try to make happen over the next five years. The plan covers vast areas of topics including: Employment and the local economy; childcare and education; health and emergency services; roads, traffic and transport; community facilities; community groups; agriculture; history, heritage and tourism, to name but a few.

Some of the interesting findings from the survey include the need for indoor recreational amenities - such as a dedicated arts and cultural space; a nightclub; a cinema; an indoor children’s play area; a skate park; a kayak centre; older people would like to see a day centre; people experiencing homelessness would like access to sheltered accommodation; people with disabilities would like to see more facilities and activities for their needs.

However, one of the most eye-catching results of the survey is in the Community Facilities and Activities Section where the overwhelming top priority that the community wants is a swimming pool for Ballinrobe.

At the launch, it was announced that a task force will be set-up with the main target to deliver a swimming pool for Ballinrobe and its surrounding areas.

Mark Smith, the Ballinrobe Sports Hub coordinator, explained that the case for a swimming pool in Ballinrobe is very easily made.

“Ballinrobe has a population of almost 3,000 and growing, with 1,500 children in first and second level education. Swimming is a compulsory facet of the primary school curriculum. Including other local national schools, hundreds of bus journeys go out of the area for lessons. Families travel a 45km round trip to lessons in Claremorris, more to Castlebar. Many people cannot do this, and they don’t have the means. Ballinrobe is a similar size town to Claremorris - and that town has a swimming pool.”

Mark was also keen to express the view about Ballinrobe being an ideal location for a new swimming pool in Mayo.

“The case can be made for this being also a Mayo need; with only four indoor pools in Mayo, and demand for swimming so high, it is often difficult to book lessons. Ballinrobe’s location in south Mayo makes it an ideal location geographically with the whole Clonbur/Cornamona area to its east and the whole catchment area around Ballinrobe stretching close to Headford.”

Inclusion is also a vital component of swimming and is a crucial life skill as Smith explained.

“Swimming is a life skill and everyone from babies to older adults can take part and it is great for some people with additional needs. It is also great for physical therapies and leisure.

“Ballinrobe has many great outdoor facilities, but apart from the Lakeside Sports and Fitness Centre, there is nothing indoor.”

Mark concluded by saying that this has to be a number one priority for Ballinrobe as the community has spoken.

“This goes back to the CF (Community Futures) process, a swimming pool was identified as the number one priority - if the council, politicians and elected representatives really do as they say and listen to what people want, then we have to try and make it happen.”

The task force currently comprises the Ballinrobe Community Development Council Committee; however, it will be strengthened by more people to take this forward. Anyone who feels they can offer something to this project can contact

The task force will be looking to put a plan together so that Ballinrobe will be next in line for a large scale infrastructure projects. The government are currently investing in projects like this, and the task force’s aim is to make sure they are ready to make the case.

The next stage will be to create a needs analysis and evaluation.

The task force will be hoping to work with Swimming Ireland and others on this project.

If the renowned Ballinrobe Community spirit sees everyone working together, then there is no reason why this project cannot become a reality.

Copies of the comprehensive Ballinrobe Community Action Plan 2023-2028 brochure are available in Martin Murphy’s Newsagents, Main Street, Murphy’s Centra, Cornmarket, and other outlets in the town.