A section of the N17 between Knock and Claremorris. Image from Google Maps.

Works plan to improve safety on N17 in south Mayo being formulated

A PROGRAMME of works to improve safety on the N17 between Knock and the Galway border is being put together.

Claremorris - Swinford Municipal District has been working with the head of roads and with TII to review the full extent of the N17 and in particular the section between Knock and the Galway border outside Ballindine.

Works have been identified and discussions are underway with TII to secure funding and to agree the extent of these works.

It is hoped that a package of works will be agreed shortly.

Councillor Richard Finn received the response after he tabled a motion asking that the road safety risks of local roads leading on to the N17 between Ballindine and Knock be examined, and that all possible scenarios be considered in making the road a safer place for road users taking into account the number of accidents and fatalities.

He indicated a suggestion has been made to close a number of roads onto the route, but they have not agreed to this. Councillors will have an input when the time comes. This is a reserve function.

He could not think they would be closing any roads unless funding was put in place for upgrading safety features on the roads. They would need to see the extent of the work to be carried out and for now would be looking forward to seeing the package of works agreed by TII and council management.

The main problem on the N17 is right-hand turns. They could close roads, commented Councillor Finn, but that wasn't going to stop accidents, highlighting issues with speed, driver behaviour, enforcement and human error.

Councillor Finn has also requested that concrete post and rail fencing on both sides of the carriageway be replaced with modern standard fencing which is now used on such routes.

He was told funding has been received and works are due to commence shortly in the replacement of the concrete post and rail fencing just south of the new bridge at Lisduff. Negotiations are underway with adjacent landowners to maximise the extent of these works.

On this, the longevity of timber stakes was a concern raised by Councillor Patsy O'Brien, and he was equally concerned that it wouldn't be the local authority who would be replacing them long-term when they need to be replaced.

Councillor Gerry Murray said road infrastructure west of the Shannon is not fit for purpose and the motorway plan from Sligo to Galway needs to be back on the agenda. An upgrade proposed from Charlestown to Tuam was 'totally unacceptable'.

“We need the state of the art infrastructure that was promised.”

A council delegation is to discuss the N17, N5 and N26 at an upcoming meeting with TII.