Taoiseach Harris wants Mayo TD to ditch retirement plans

Taoiseach Simon Harris wants long-serving Mayo TD Michael Ring to ditch his well-publicised retirement plans.

Speaking to Midwest Radio today, the Fine Gael leader described the Westport deputy as 'a legend' who he hopes will put his name forward for re-election in the five-seat constituency in the next general election.

An Taoiseach stated: "I have the utmost respect for Michael.

"He is a hard worker and he brings a great sense of honesty to politics.

"I speak to him regularly and I hope he will run."

There has been some speculation that Deputy Ring would be interested in seeking the role of Ceann Comhairle in the next Dáil.

He would be required to retain his seat in the election in order to be a contender for the position.

Deputy Ring's imminent announcement is awaited anxiously by all political interests as it will have a major bearing on the election result in Mayo.