Members of the board of Moy Valley Resources IRD pictured at a recent board meeting. At back, from left: Marc Loftus, Geraldine Hogan, Blair Feeney, Billy Lewis (vice-chair), Terry Reilly, Noel Rowland, Denis Michael and Sean Tempany. At front: Kevin Loftus, Susan Murphy, David Dwane (chairperson), Patricia Fox (secretary) and Eileen Diamond (treasurer).

Moy Valley Resources IRD reports successful year

MEMBERS of Moy Valley Resources IRD were told at the company’s AGM in Ballina last week that a highlight of 2023 for the social and economic development company was the formal launch of a partnership with Mayo County Council to manage IQ Ballina.

“IQ Ballina will meet the demand for high quality enterprise space,” said David Dwane, chairperson of Moy Valley Resources IRD.

He continued: “The facility is owned by Mayo County Council, funded through the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) as a result of a joint application that included MVR. Our former CEO, Billy Lewis, was instrumental in the original application in 2018, with the support of then chairperson Denis Michael and the board.

“Our current CEO, Annette Maughan, has worked closely with Mayo County Council in recent years to bring the project to fruition and I am pleased that our much-valued member of the team at Moy Valley Resources, Jacqueline Kinsella, has undertaken the role of enterprise hub manager at IQ Ballina.”

CEO Annette Maughan, who served on the board of Ballina 2023 during a very successful year of celebrations for the town, spoke of Moy Valley Resources’ support for that event.

“We supported Ballina 2023 in a number of ways, including the use of our facilities and resources, and the commitment of time and energy from our staff. Our involvement served the objective of Moy Valley Resources, which is to work in partnership with other agencies and stakeholders to advance the region’s social, economic and environmental wellbeing,” she said.

Other programmes under the MVR umbrella had a busy year too.

Mayo North Tourism worked extensively to promote Ballina and the North Mayo and West Sligo region, with particular focus around events such as Ballina 2023 and the visit of the President of the United States. Mayo Volunteer Centre contributed significantly towards ensuring successful community-led festivals and integration of new communities, while Craoibhín Ballina launched new activities to help reduce social isolation and loneliness in the ageing population of the Ballina region.

2023 was also the year in which long-serving chairperson of the board of Moy Valley Resources, Denis Michael, stepped down from that role.

“Denis has been synonymous with Moy Valley Resources since the organisation was formed in 1990,” said David Dwane.

“Ernie Caffrey, one of the founding members of the organisation, and vice-chair, also stepped down from the board during the year, leaving another big gap to be filled,” said Mr. Dwane.

Thanks were extended to Ernie and other retiring board members Eugene Rochford, Johnny O’Malley and Joe Cosgrove, all of whom departed from the board during the year after long service to the organisation.

Four new board members elected during 2023 were welcomed to the Moy Valley Resources’ governing team. These were Geraldine Hogan, John O’Hara, Blair Feeney and Noel Rowland, each of whom brings a diverse range of important skills that will help contribute to the ongoing work of the company.

“While we do have challenges to face in 2024, there are some great opportunities for us not only to sustain the important work we do as a community development organisation, but also to expand our role,” said Mr. Dwane.