Mayo TD speaks out on 'horror' abuse of former football players

A Mayo TD has stated she watched 'in absolute horror' the TV footage concerning women soccer players in Ireland "who are absolutely haunted by what happened to them."

The revelations by the RTE Investigates: 'Girls in Green' programme shocked the nation when it was screened seven days ago.

Deputy Rose Conway Walsh said: "The question that came into my mind was why it happened and why did nobody say "stop" or call it out.

"I wondered how many other organisations are out there where those type of behaviours and crimes are tolerated.

"There is the 24-hour rape crisis line. Often women feel they do not fit into a particular category.

"I wonder whether it is time for an overall national helpline, and a campaign around it, where people can be reassured that they will be heard and supported practically and emotionally in order to be able to come forward and tell their stories.

"We not only have an epidemic; we have a legacy of what has happened for decades in this country.

"There is no zero tolerance across communities and in many organisations.

"As always, I want to call out the perpetrators of this heinous crime.

"On every occasion, they have to be told to stop because they are the perpetrators.

"Of course, they will not stop until there are proper sanctions in place and they know they will not get away with it.

"The reason they do this is because they know they will get away with it.

'There are also huge issues around financial abuse. It is across the board.

"Women's signatures have been forged on cheques and other documents. Many women are trapped in this situation.

"The government should to meet the Central Bank and ask it what it is doing about this.

"It needs to be established what support it can give to women where it is clear that there was financial abuse and women have ended up with huge debts and are put under pressure by banks to pay them back. The banks have a role to play in this," she added.