Councillor Michael Kilcoyne (left), vice-chair of the Regional Health Forum, with Tony Canavan, regional executive officer, HSE West and North West and executive chair of the Regional Health Forum West, and Councillor Ciaran Brogan, chair of the Regional Health Forum West, after today's AGM.

Mayo councillor elected vice-chair of Regional Health Forum West

MAYO'S Councillor Michael Kilcoyne has been elected vice-chairperson of the Regional Health Forum West.

At the annual general meeting of the Health Forum West today (Tuesday), Donegal Councillor Ciaran Brogan (Fianna Fáil) was elected chairperson, with the Mayo Independent member taking up the role of vice-chair.

The Regional Health Forum Committee will be chaired by Councillor Donna McGettigan (Sinn Féin), Clare County Council, with vice-chair Bridie Collins (FF) of Limerick City and County Council.