A shapshot of the front page of the new guide book.

Mayo man releases comprehensive guide to 'amazing' Achill Island

by Conor Curran

A local tour guide has released a brand-new book exploring the rich history of Achill Island, as well as pointing out some easily missed hidden gems.

Neal Doherty runs his own tour company, Alchemy Tours, and has an extensive knowledge of the area.

‘The Complete Guide to Achill Island & the Corraun Peninsula’ goes in depth into nearly 100 points of interest on and around Achill Island, with a pull-out map to allow for easy planning of your next trip.

Each “discovery point”, as Doherty calls them, is described in great detail and often accompanied by Doherty’s own photographs.

The history of the area is at the heart of this book, highlighting the stories of statues, ruins, and those that have called the island home.

Those who viewed Achill Island as a muse for their art are also represented.

Following the guide, you get an insight into the lives of artists who visited the island such as painter Alexander Williams RHA, author Graham Greene, writer Heinrich Böll, and many others.

More recent events on the island are included too.

Points along the ‘Banshees of Inisherin’ trail are marked, following the movie’s critical and commercial success, even leading to global popstar Taylor Swift visiting the island recently.

The film was shot on-location at six points on the island, each with landmarks and plaques installed.

Doherty’s book is available in various outlets around north and west Mayo, as well as being available on his website for €10.