Launching the 'Drive on Left' campaign at Ireland West Airport. Photo: Mayo County Council

Mayo Road Safety Office launch ‘Drive On Left’ campaign at Knock airport

MAYO County Council’s Road Safety Office, in conjunction with Ireland West Airport, the Mayo Roads Policing Unit and car rental companies based at the airport have launched an information campaign to remind visitors flying into the airport to drive on the left and to not use their mobile phones while driving.

Visitors who rent a vehicle at the airport during the rest of the summer will receive a goody bag which will include wristband to remind them to drive on the left and a high visibility vest in case of breakdown, amongst other items of road safety information materials.

Launching the ‘Drive on Left’ campaign, road safety officer with Mayo County Council, Frances Mitchell, said: “The ‘Drive on Left’ campaign aims to help to tourists to stay safe as they embark on their journey in Mayo and further afield.

“The wristbands are a gentle reminder to all drivers who are used to driving on the right-hand side of the road in their home country that we drive on the left in Ireland.”

Donal Healy, marketing manager with Ireland West Airport, added: “We welcome thousands of visitors each week through the airport, and we want everyone who comes through our gates to have a safe and enjoyable visit. With many of our arrivals renting vehicles it’s great to give them a gentle reminder that in Ireland we drive on the left-hand side of the road.

“This summer we will welcome thousands of passengers from overseas markets, particularly from Milan in Italy and Cologne in Germany.”

Inspector David Tiernan from the Mayo Roads Policing Unit added: “During these peak summer months we see even more traffic on the road than usual, and ensuring everyone’s safety is paramount. Visitors to the county maybe unfamiliar with the roads they are driving on and we’re delighted to support this initiative.”

Ms. Mitchell added: “For all drivers it is vitally important to stay alert and be well rested to avoid switching to autopilot, which can easily happen when the roads are quiet, or a driver is tired.

“This can cause someone to enter a roundabout the wrong way or turn onto the wrong side of the road at a junction and could lead to a serious incident.

“Visitors are also reminded that weather conditions can change quickly in Ireland, making it even more challenging to navigate long and twisty roads at times.”