An access issue graphically illustrated.

Deere highlights plight of wheelchair user in Mayo county town

A Castlebar councillor has highlighted the plight of a local wheelchair user in terms of accessibility to vital services in the town.

Councillor Ger Deere has held discussions with Noreen O’Malley, a wheelchair user and resident at The Oaks estate, Turlough Road, Castlebar, and has seen first-hand the difficulties Noreen faces in relation to wheelchair access to places such as the town park.

He wants the council to act to ensure inclusivity and connectivity for all.

Said Councillor Deere: “I was delighted to meet with and discuss the difficulties Noreen and other wheelchair users face on a daily basis both at The Oaks and Oak View housing estates.

“Noreen has highlighted the fact that she cannot access Castlebar Town Park due to the current state of footpaths and lack of accessible ramps, as well as having to travel over grass areas, which poses a safety risk, especially in winter.

“This is not just an issue for wheelchair users but also for parents with buggies along with schoolchildren walking to Scoil Raifteiri and the two secondary schools at Davitt College and St. Joseph’s.”

In a petition, signed by over 60 residents in both estates, Noreen has asked for a paved footpath between the estates and the town park.

“A paved footpath would not only make our journey safer but also encourage more people in the community to walk. People can visit the park, go for a bike ride on the Turlough River pathway or simply to use it to get to the town for shopping or other business, promoting physical activity, and social interaction among residents.

“I believe that everyone should have safe access to public spaces,” said Noreen.

Councillor Deere said he will now request that Castlebar Municipal District and officials of Mayo County Council investigate the possibility of installing dropped kerbs along with a pathway and proper service from the estates to the town park.

“This is about proper access, inclusivity and connectivity for those with disabilities to all areas of Castlebar and I will certainly be pushing for this work to be done as soon as possible,” he said.