Local Authority Purchase and Renovation Loan goes live in Mayo

THE Local Authority Purchase and Renovation Loan (LAPR) is now open for applications in County Mayo, the Minister for State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning, Alan Dillon, has announced.

The loan, which is an expansion of the local authority home loan, will support both the purchase and renovation of homes which are eligible under the existing Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant.

The Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant has been incredibly popular in Mayo. Latest figures show that 541 applications have been received under the scheme so far with 341 approved.

Now, with the Local Authority Purchase and Renovation Loan, a first-time buyer who wishes to turn a vacant or derelict property into a new home can receive a loan to fund both purchase and renovation works.

This reinforces the government’s commitment to bring homes back into use, a key objective of Housing for All, while also providing another funding pathway for individuals to realise their goal of home ownership.

Said Minister Dillion: “Under Housing for All we have placed a special emphasis on tackling vacancy and dereliction all across our country. This new purchase and renovation loan is simply another tool in our armoury and offers another option for home buyers. We will continue doing everything we can to rejuvenate and regenerate our villages, towns and cities, making them even better places for people to call home.”

He added: “This new loan, which will be available from all local authorities nationwide, will make it easier for people to purchase and renovate vacant and derelict properties and breathe new life into them. I want to thank all of our local authorities for their continued support in implementing new initiatives such as this one.”