Positive update on treatment plant but Mayo beach restriction remains in place

EFFLUENT quality has improved at the Louisburgh wastewater treatment plant, with work ongoing on the process required to restore normal plant operations.

Bathing restrictions are in place at nearby Carrowmore beach as a result of an issue that arose at the treatment plant earlier this month.

Uisce Éireann contacted Mayo County Council’s environment section as soon as the issue was identified and following consultation with the HSE, a bathing water prohibition notice was imposed on Thursday, July 11, as a precaution at Carrowmore beach and remains in place.

Uisce Éireann notifies local authorities and the EPA of any incidents or overflow that could impact receiving waters.

In an update, Uisce Éireann said effluent quality has improved at the Louisburgh plant and they are working to restore normal plant operations.

Local Councillor Chris Maxwell has described the closing of the popular beach as a 'disaster for tourism'.

Speaking at a municipal district meeting yesterday (Monday), he said the plant is out of date for Louisburgh and he asked if Uisce Éireann has any plans to upgrade the plant in a town that is seeing its population grow.

Engineer Heather Gibbons said water samples have been tested and came back OK.

They were waiting to hear from Uisce Éireann that the plant is fully operational. The restriction would be in place until the plant is fully operational, she said.