Celebrating the Traders on the Reek

THE generations of families who have traded on Croagh Patrick are being celebrated this week.

A short film is being premiered that tells their story, along with a local exhibition in Lecanvey.

Traders on the Reek is a project led by Louisburgh-Killeen Heritage. On Friday, July 26, they invite you to join them in celebrating the traders.

This is the story of the families who for generations traded on Croagh Patrick, providing refreshments to weary pilgrims.

What were the different routes taken by these families to bring all their supplies to the summit from the surrounding villages? How did this network of support, meitheal and friendship endure the sometimes harsh conditions?

Who are these families and why were they so connected to Ireland’s holy mountain?

Traditionally, local people climb Croagh Patrick on Garland Friday, the Friday before Reek Sunday - the last Sunday in July, which continues to attract thousands of pilgrims each year.

Celebrations kick off on Friday with 10 a.m. Mass on the summit of Croagh Patrick, with a later Mass at 7.30 p.m. in Murrisk carpark. Then, at 8.30 p.m., Lecanvey Community Centre will host the premiere of a short film telling the traders stories along with an excellent exhibition from the pupils of local primary schools.

The short film will again be screened on Saturday, August 17, in Louisburgh Town Hall at 8 p.m.

All the contributions will be available on the Louisburgh-Killeen Heritage website during Heritage Week and they encourage anyone who has a memory, photograph or story about the Traders on the Reek to get in touch. This archive will continue to be updated.

This is a joint collaboration project of Louisburgh-Killeen Heritage and Louisburgh Area Men’s Shed, supported by the National Museum of Ireland, The Heritage Council, Irish Community Archive Network iCAN, the Mayo heritage officer, and the communities of Killeen, Clare Island, Inishturk, Louisburgh, Lecanvey, Murrisk, Drummin and Westport.