Repair carparks or charges will be suspended - west Mayo councillor's proposal

THE council has been told to repair carparks in Westport or else charges will be suspended.

October 7 was the date suggested for works, including flooding issues, line marking and resurfacing, to be done by. If not, they would become free parking zones.

Fine Gael Councillor Peter Flynn's proposal was seconded by his Westport Fianna Fáil colleague Councillor Brendan Mulroy at a municipal meeting this week.

He was told there is no funding available in the district this year, with management's hands tied.

However, Councillor Flynn said the carparks generate a significant amount of money, are self-funding, yet they were asking people to pay for something which is substandard.

He formally proposed that from October 7, they will have free parking until the works are addressed.

Councillor Mulroy agreed it was terrible to see elderly people getting out of their cars and getting soaked.