Minister Dara Calleary launches Grow Digital, a new website for businesses to further embrace digitalisation.

Mayo politician launches new website to help businesses further embrace digitalisation

Local Fianna Fáil Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, Dara Calleary, has launched Grow Digital, a new website for businesses to further embrace digitalisation.

The aim of the website is to show the benefits and digital capability of digitalisation for businesses, and it further aims to provide advice on supports that are available to improve their digital footprint.

Speaking on the launch of the Grow Digital, Minister Calleary said: “I am delighted to be launching Grow Digital today. I am a big advocate of businesses being able to reach their full potential. There will be great opportunities for businesses to embrace when they access this portal.”

He added: “A lot of business owners are unaware of the opportunity that the digital market can offer their business. Through this portal, we will be able to provide and educate owners of the opportunities that await them, no matter what stage of the digital journey they are at.”

The portal highlights supports available from government through agencies such as the Local Enterprise Offices, Enterprise Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta and IDA Ireland, alongside additional training and funding options.

Minister Calleary concluded: “Grow Digital can help businesses at any stage of their digital journey, but especially for those who are just starting out. They can use the tool to assess where they are now, what they can do moving forward, and where they can go to get help.”