Leading down to the new pontoon at Dugort. Photos courtesy of Councillor Paul McNamara.

New pontoon installed at Mayo pier

A NEW pontoon at a pier on Achill Island has been warmly welcomed.

The pontoon at Dugort pier has now been installed, local Councillor Paul McNamara has confirmed.

Said Councillor McNamara: “This is a massive piece of infrastructure for the area and will prove crucial during the summer months, for both recreational use and to create revenue for the area.

“This development did not come easy and is something I have lobbied hard for.”

It's a welcome boost for Achill and also Erris, improving connectivity between the two.

Councillor McNamara extended thanks to Minister Charlie McConalogue, Minister of State Dara Calleary and Mayo County Council for working alongside him, ensuring the funding was secured, which has resulted in this project coming to life.

Minister Dara Calleary has also expressed his delight that the project has come to fruition.

He wished all users every success and safety for the months ahead.

Another view of the pontoon.