Call for ban on e-bikes using Mayo urban footpaths due to hazards posed

An elected member of Mayo County Council is calling for immediate action to address the growing issue of electric bikes (e-bikes) being used on paths around Castlebar and other towns.

Councillor Harry Barrett said this rising trend poses significant risks to pedestrians and immediate measures are needed to counteract it.

Barrett continued: "In recent months, I'm seeing an alarming increase in the number of e-bikes being ridden on paths in Castlebar.

"These paths, meant to provide a safe place for walkers, joggers, and families, are becoming more hazardous due to the high speeds and often reckless behaviour of some e-bike users.

"While e-bikes are an excellent mode of eco-friendly transportation, they must be used responsibly. The current situation on our paths is unacceptable.

"I'll be calling for signage indicating that e-bikes are not allowed on the paths and I want more collaboration with gardaí to increase patrols and issue fines to those found violating the rules.