Winners of the Fred Perry pennant for Mulranny. Photo: Mulranny Golf Links/Facebook

Mayo golf club are Connaught Fred Perry champions

IF at first or second you don’t succeed, keeping on trying.

Mulranny seniors were beaten in the last two Connaught Fred Perry finals but undaunted they came back this year with renewed vigour. After five gruelling rounds, they faced off against Cregmore Park on Saturday in another Connaught final, going in as underdogs, having scraped a two-two draw in the first leg at home.

First out for Mulranny were Seamus Granahan/Gerry McDonnell and they put up a heroic performance to gain an invaluable point on the 18th green against Cregmore’s number one pairing. Pat Gallagher/J.J. Kelly and Brian Ainsworth/Johan Collins were always in contention but ran out of holes and had to concede defeat.

Then it was down to the Fergus Rothwell/Christy McDonnell pairing who had to win to force a playoff. Playing the 18th one up, they secured the necessary win and immediately, as the nominated pairing, went into playoff mode.

Christy and Fergus used all their years of experience to safely negotiate the par 5 first hole in regulation to secure a famous win for the nine-hole club on the Wild Atlantic Way.

Other members of the panel include Sean Fitzgerald. Stephen Munnelly, Mick McDonnell, Richie Barry, Tom Duffy, Eugene McCormack and Tony McDonnell.

Afterwards, Jimmy Duggan, Connaught GUI, and of Galway football fame spoke. He welcomed the late Fred’s brother, Des, who was in attendance. Jimmy then presented the Fred Perry Trophy to the winning captain, Patsy Noone, and thanked Patsy and his team for their perseverance over a long number of years.

Patsy, in accepting the trophy, paid tribute to his entire panel for their hard work and dedication over many a long campaign and remembered those who had passed away. He thanked the travelling support and singled out club captains Aodan and Mary and club president Maureen for special mention. He also thanked Cregmore Park for their wonderful hospitality and sportsmanship.