Roonagh Pier, outside Louisburgh. Photo: Connaught Telegraph

Lands for more parking at west Mayo pier being explored

IMPROVED parking facilities are needed at Roonagh Pier, outside Louisburgh, a council meeting was told.

Roonagh services Inishturk and Clare Island and islanders have raised concern about parking facilities with local Councillor Chris Maxwell.

A lot of islanders are getting older and need a car at Roonagh, he told a municipal meeting, but it is a very busy location with tourists, who are vital for the islands.

The question had been asked, he said - could there be designated parking spaces for the islanders themselves.

Engineer Heather Gibbons said the council is looking to see if it can buy further land for parking.

The parking area has been lined, which has been a help, she added.

To have designated parking this year wasn't feasible and could isolate visitors.