Jeremy Schewe, Mary Prendergast and Sister Maureen Lally at the official launch of the Ireland West Camino at Knock House Hotel. PHOTO: ALISON LAREDO

Launch of Ireland West Camino a major tourism boost

By Dr. Richard Martin

THE Ireland West Camino has been officially launched and it's good news for Mayo tourism.

It was the brainchild of former Mayo Person of the Year Sr. Maureen Lally and Mary Prendergast and has been 25 years in the making.

They were the driving force behind the Croagh Patrick Heritage Trail, from Balla to Croagh Patrick. Negotiations took place with 65 farmers to create the trail.

They were originally motivated by a Teagasc study which stated that only seven per cent of farms in Mayo were viable and by having a cross country trail the farmers would get supplemental income for allowing people to walk across their land.

Another major driver in this project is American man Jeremy Schewe from North Carolina.

He single-handedly mapped the ancient trail from Rathcroghan to Balla. He did this using OSI maps, ancient megalithic sites, cairns, dolmens and standing stones that have survived over the centuries.

He then created an app, Field Maps, which shows the ancient trail but also shows Air BnBs, pubs, restaurants and hotels along the route.

The walk aims to follow the ancient pilgrim trail from Rathcroghan to Croagh Patrick and walk in the venerable footsteps of our patron saint.

Jeremy was motivated to do all of this in recent years because his daughter died tragically at the age of 18 from a drug overdose. He has found great solace in being of service to others.

He has found walking an ancient path immensely self-healing. I enjoyed his company and he radiates positivity.

There are 20 others with Jeremy as they make their trek across the county. Some of the 20 found themselves in Ireland through his website,

They are all American and they have found this a novel way to explore the ‘real’ Ireland, interacting with farmers and locals on the trail, meditating in isolated fields along the route, examining the ancient markers on the trail and engaging in physical exercise.

There are huge economic benefits for the whole county. Ireland West Airport will surely benefit from increased visitors to our county. AirBnBs will pop up along the route. The pubs, restaurants, and hotels will all benefit.

The Ireland West Camino was officially launched by the cathaoirleach of Mayo County Council, Councillor John O’Hara.

Minister of State Dara Calleary, Senator Lisa Chambers, Councillor Ger Deere and Joanne Grehan, director of services with Mayo County Council, were also in attendance.

Midwest Radio had its huge mobile studio on site. There was a tremendous buzz in Knock House Hotel. It was a wonderful Mayo team effort.

St. Patrick was an immigrant and a pilgrim, like the modern-day fellowship walking across our county today to the lonely mountain overlooking Clew Bay.

Over 1,500 years ago he too was seeking solace and spirituality. The human condition will always yearn for something beyond ourselves. Self-will is finite. No God. No peace. Know God. Know peace.