Mayo IFA meeting on future of suckler cow and cattle trade

THE Mayo IFA executive is hosting a suckler cow, beef and calf meeting in conjunction with Aurivo Co-Op Mart, Balla, on Thursday evening, August 8, at 7.30 p.m.

Mayo IFA county chairman John Lynskey, along with the Mayo IFA livestock rep TJ Duffy, are staging the event with the primary focus on preparing the suckler calf for sale and looking at the future of the suckler cow, along with the beef market outlook for this autumn.

Stephen Hannon, mart divisional manager with Aurivo Co-Op, will give an outline on what buyers - farmers and shippers - are looking for when it comes to achieving the maximum price for weanling calves. Adam Woods of the Irish farmers Journal along with Declan Hanrahan, chairman of the IFA’s livestock committee, will detail the current market for beef and the supports for the suckler cow going forward.

TJ Duffy will give a brief on how to prepare the suckler calf for sale in order to achieve the maximum price. Mr. Duffy said that farmers are losing money in not having their calves ticking all boxes when it comes to preparing their calves properly for sale in the autumn.

There will also be advice from a veterinary technician from MSD veterinary on cow and calf health.

The meeting takes place on Thursday, August 8, in the Aurivo Mart, Balla, at 7.30 p.m.