An aerial view of a part of Castlebar town. PHOTO: JACK WALSH

Meeting sought with minister over rejected Castlebar Local Area Plan

A ministerial meeting is being sought over a decision to reject certain aspects of the Castlebar Local Area Plan.

A ministerial direction was issued by the Minister for Local Government, Darragh O'Brien, instructing local councillors to reinstate or change a number of zoning objectives.

Independent Councillor Michael Kilcoyne had requested they get legal opinion on this.

He was told there is nothing in the legislation to appeal the direction. The only avenue was to look at procedure followed by the minister.

Councillor Kilcoyne questioned why they should be making a plan when it can just be cast aside. They were entitled to get independent legal advice on the matter.

Fellow Independent Harry Barrett said no amount of legal advice would change it at this stage, and would only be a waste of money.

It would be a walk down a blind alley, with the minister having the ultimate power to make this call.

Councillor Al McDonnell said they would have to prove non-compliance with the regulations and he felt they didn't have a case.

The Oireachtas has increased the power of the minister in regard to the plans, director of services John Condon explained. It was now more centralised, with local councillors having less of a say.

The point was made by Councillor Kilcoyne that there are people who want to build homes and because of the decisions taken, they won't get planning permission.

Pushing for legal advice, Councillor McDonnell suggested a meeting with the department, saying this had happened before and they made significant progress through negotiating.

It was agreed as an interim measure to seek to meet the minister and his officials.