The late James McNeive.

Huge turnout at funeral of James McNeive in Knock

A young footballer and primary teacher who lost his life in an early morning traffic accident in Co. Sligo last Sunday was recalled at his funeral today (Saturday) as someone who 'always spread joy and laughter everywhere he went'.

In a reflection at the funeral of James McNeive (28) in Knock, Michael, one of his brothers, said James brought his sense of fun into the primary school classrooms where he worked.

Michael explained that James had met his girlfriend, Catherine, while working at Glasnevin National School.

He thanked Catherine for 'filling the last three years of James’s life with love'.

He also expressed gratitude to Catherine’s parents who treated him like one of the family from day one up in Donegal.

James McNieve died in the early hours of Sunday last (August 4) when his van collided with a lorry on the N15 at Urlar, Drumcliffe, Co. Sligo.

He had been returning from visiting Catherine and her family at their Donegal home.

In his eulogy at the funeral Mass today in Knock Parish Church, Michael McNeive told Catherine and members of her family that it was a great comfort (to the McNeive family) that the last few days of his life were spent enjoying their company and the last familiar face he saw before his passing was the woman he loved.

Amongst the guards of honour at today’s funeral were members of Aghamore and Eastern Gaels GAA clubs, whom James represented as a player over the years.

Fr. Richard Gibbons, the main celebrant, welcomed to the funeral Mass James’s mother, Bernadette, his sister Fiona, brothers Michael, Matthew and Peter and his girlfriend Catherine, as well as members of his extended family and teammates, schoolmates and college friends.

He said: “We are here in prayer and solidarity with one another in which has been a week, a long week, a long sad week for Bernadette and family.

“Our parish has had to suffer a number of tragedies recently that has left us almost bereft with grief.

“It’s difficult to imagine yet another young person’s life taken from us, long before his time, taken from family, taken from parish life and from his teammates.”

Gifts brought to the altar included James’s guitar, symbolising his love of music, Aghamore and Eastern Gaels GAA jerseys, a school copybook and framed photographs to illustrate his love of family and his girlfriend, Catherine.

Burial took place in Knock Cemetery.