Some of the attendance at the unveiling in Claremorris. Photo shared by Councillor Alma Gallagher

Life-saving initiative unveiled in south Mayo

A NEW life-saving initiative has been unveiled in south Mayo.

A roadside defibrillator has been installed by Eco Power Cabinets at Brookhill (High Cross), Claremorris. The unit also holds a first aid kit, trauma kit, rescue hammer, fire extinguisher and medicine for cardiac emergencies - all available to the local community and road users.

Speaking after the unveiling, Councillor Alma Gallagher highlighted how with an estimated 60,480 vehicle occupants passing by weekly, and 700 residents in the area, this unit will serve over 3,145,660 individuals each year at Brookhill alone.

“The impact this will have on increasing the survival rate for cardiac arrest, chest pain, stroke, trauma, and choking is immense.

“This is a massive step forward for our community’s safety and well-being.”

The unit is powered by solar energy, meaning there's no main power supply, eliminating the need for ESB connections and bimonthly charges.

Councillor Paul Lawless also welcomed this 'valuable resource' for the entire Brookhill, Crossboyne and Claremorris community, as well as for motorists passing through.

“Recently, a similar solar-powered defibrillator on Croagh Patrick summit saved a life just weeks after its installation, showing the real impact these units can have,” he commented.

“A big thank you to Darren Forde, CEO of Eco Powered Cabinets, for making this happen, and to all our local emergency responders for the incredible work they do.”

Members of the various emergency services in Mayo were among the attendance at the unveiling.