Dusk bat monitoring event in Mayo as part of National Heritage Week

As part of National Heritage Week, Lough Carra Catchment Association are hosting a dusk bat monitoring event at Moore Hall and along the shores of Lough Carra in central Mayo.

This exciting event offers a unique opportunity to involve the public in citizen science, collecting valuable data on bat populations and their activity patterns along the lakeshore.

This event will be expertly led by a National Parks and Wildlife Service ranger, and will incorporate innovative but user-friendly bat monitoring software.

Lough Carra is exceptionally rich in bats, having eight of the nine species that occur in Ireland, while Moore Hall is already home to an internationally significant population of the rare lesser horseshoe bat.

Participants will develop an understanding of these fascinating mammals, their roosts, night flights, and breeding habits.

This family-friendly event, with the jewel of Lough Carra and stately Moore Hall providing a backdrop, is sure to bewitch. An evening walk, the use of bat detectors and the thrill of spotting bats in their natural habitat will make for an enjoyable and memorable experience.

This event will take place on Thursday, August 22, from 8 to 10 p.m., meeting at the Moore Hall car park, with tea, coffee and hot chocolate served. Warm clothing and suitable footwear is advised.