Mayo Heritage Week talk on the US telephone pioneer Thomas Larkin

CONNECTIONS, routes, and networks, the pioneering journey of Thomas Larkin, is the title of a fascinating event taking place for Heritage Week.

All are invited to a talk by Michael Larkin on the journey of his Mayo ancestor Thomas Larkin, an early telephone pioneer in America.

This discussion about his life and influence takes place on Tuesday next, August 20, from 7 to 8.30 p.m. in Castlebar Library.

Following the invention of the telephone by Alexander G. Bell in 1876, the American public remained sceptical for some time.

Despite Bell's persistence, it would be almost 40 years later before the first transcontinental telephone call between New York and San Francisco was completed on January 25, 1915.

The talk will also incorporate themes relating to the evolution of telecommunications, statements predicting that Bell's invention would never achieve commercial success and other telephone related memories.