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Minister congratulates Mayo students on their Leaving Cert results

The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Patrick O’Donovan has congratulated Mayo students as they received their Leaving Certificate exam results.

Minister O’Donovan said: “Today is unique day in the lives of thousands of young people across Ireland as they receive their Leaving Certificate results.

“I want to congratulate and commend them on all the hard work they have done to get this far as they prepare to take the next step on the path to their chosen career.

“As ever at this time of year, there will be many who will be celebrating their success in the exams, while others may be feeling disappointed.

“However, I want to reassure everyone that, while it is a significant day, the Leaving Cert results do not define you as a person, and even if you didn’t do as well as you hoped, there are a variety of different pathways available to your chosen studies.

“There are so many different opportunities available now for students, including FET and PLC courses, more than 70 different apprenticeships, and of course the new unified tertiary degree courses, which allow students to earn a degree outside of the CAO system.

“Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of so many young people, but it is just one new chapter, and I really want to remind everyone receiving their results today that education is now, more than ever, a lifelong journey.

“There are constantly new courses and pathways being developed, and my Department and I will continue to drive these new initiatives so that every person in Ireland can reach their full potential.

“Congratulations again to everyone receiving their results today and I wish you each the very best in whatever it is you choose to do next.”

For information on all the different higher education, further education and apprenticeship opportunities go here.

Details on the unified tertiary courses can be found here.

Fine Gael Minister of State Alan Dillon has also congratulated students in Mayo who are receiving their Leaving Certificate examination results today.

Over 60,000 students around Ireland sat this year’s Leaving Certificate Established, Leaving Certificate Applied and Leaving Cert Vocational Programme examinations.

“In Mayo, 1,545 students, including 109 Leaving Certificate Applied students, sat examinations in June. Today is a milestone day for those students and their families, and anyone who has sat the Leaving Certificate exam will understand and remember the feelings those students are experiencing today,” Minister Dillon said.

“I know that parents, guardians and teachers have worked hard to support our young people as they prepared for these exams and students should continue to check-in with those closest to them who will continue to guide and advise them on the career and wellbeing supports available to them.

“I welcome confirmation from the State Examinations Commission this year that it intends to issue the results of any Leaving Certificate appeals on Friday, 27 September and also that it intends to issue Junior Cycle results on Wednesday, 9 October.

“But today is a day for celebration for all our students who have now completed their secondary school journey. During their years there they have experienced ups and downs but have grown and matured and are now at the very beginning of their next new chapter.

“There are a myriad of options available to them, whether it’s further education, an apprenticeship, work, travel or other possibilities. They should all be proud of themselves today and I’d like to wish them every success for their future as they take the next tentative steps into young adulthood,” added Minister Dillon.