Mayo County Council has announced it has paid out €2 million in grant payments under the Croi Conaithe vacant property refurbishment grant. Pictured, at top, from left: Ronan Forde, Raymond O’Reilly, Michael Corley, Deirdre Swords, Eavan Casey, Olivia Gallagher and Mary Cronolly. At front: Tom Gilligan, Councillor Michael Burke, Minister Alan Dillon, Councillor Donna Sheridan, Councillor Blackie Gavin, Councillor Michael Kilcoyne and Councillor Ger Deere.

Council awards €2m. in Croí Conaithe vacant property grants in Mayo

MAYO County Council has paid out €2 million in grant payments to successful households of the Croi Conaithe vacant property refurbishment grant.

This significant milestone comes at the second-year anniversary of the grant, which was established to provide a pathway to home ownership for applicants.

The introduction of the grant two years ago resulted in an unprecedented response from members of the public across the county.

The Vacant Homes Office of Mayo County Council administers the grant on behalf of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. To date, the office has received 577 applications under the grant, with the significant number of 365 applicants having been approved so far.

Of those applicants who have been approved a grant, 54% of them are applying for the derelict top up grant and 46% of applicants applying for the vacant property grant.

The €2 million in grant payments have been paid across 41 individual households. This figure represents 41 homes that would have been vacant and in some cases derelict, which now, because of the grant, are completely refurbished and back in residential use.

Sharon and Austin, grant recipients from the west Mayo area, note: “It has been a lot of work but we are just delighted to have breathed new life into an abandoned home. Our placed was empty for many years and now it is full of life and such a lovely comfortable home.”

The grant amounts available under the Croí Cónaithe vacant property refurbishment grant are significant and are there to support the applicant bring a property back into residential use. A grant of up to a maximum of €50,000 is available for the refurbishment of vacant properties for occupation as a principal private residence and properties which will be made available for rent. The grant is increased by a further €20,000 if the property is deemed to be derelict - i.e. structurally unsound and dangerous. There is 20% increase in the grant available for properties on our islands.

The popularity of the grant is further evidenced in the geographical spread of the approved applicants - 74 approved applicants are from Ballina MD area, 68 from Castlebar MD area, 80 from West Mayo MD area and 143 from the Claremorris MD area.

Tom Gilligan, director of services in Mayo County Council, said: “The grants and schemes that our Vacant Homes Office administer have real potential to change the landscape of our towns and rural communities. The grants support property owners to bring back much needed vacant and derelict properties into residential use.”

Deirdre Swords, vacant homes officer for Mayo County Council, said: “Part of my job is to ensure that as many people around the county are aware of the supports available to bring properties back into residential use. The options are varied and can suit people in all walks of life.”

The Vacant Home Office is available to offer advice and assistance to any property owner considering bringing a property back into residential use, a member of the public can get in touch by contacting


BEFORE: A vacant property.
AFTER: New life has been breathed back to make it a home.