Clare Gormley, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and Munaza Gilmore, The Brow Movement, Swinford.

Mayo-based women complete ACORNS programme for female entrepreneurs

ANNA Sutcliffe, founder of House of Achill, and Munaza Gilmore of The Brow Movement have successfully completed the ACORNS programme - a highly-successful development initiative to support early-stage female entrepreneurs living in rural Ireland.

And they are encouraging other females in Co. Mayo to apply for the next cycle of the free business development programme, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.

ACORNS has been providing a decade of support for female entrepreneurship in rural Ireland and has recently launched the 10th cycle of the business development programme.

The free initiative for early-stage female entrepreneurs is funded through the Rural Innovation and Development Fund by the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine (DAFM).

The deadline for applications for this special 10th anniversary cycle is midnight, September 20. There are up to 50 places available for ACORNS 10. Those wishing to receive an application form should register on the website (

Clare Gormley, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, with Anna Sutcliffe of House of Achill, who recently completed the ACORNS programme. Photo by Orla Murray/Coalesce Ltd

Anna Sutcliffe, founder of House of Achill - - grew her business out of her desire to create something that would allow her to live and work on Achill Island, a place where she has strong family connections and which she considers to be magical.

The native of Crumlin in Dublin, who has a background in fashion buying and business procurement, had been visiting Achill throughout her life, but the pandemic allowed her to spend more time there and to consider making the move permanent.

She has created a range of candles inspired by Achill with the scent of each candle evoking a sense of the island.

House of Achill launched in June 2023 and has received support from the LEO in Mayo. Her products are currently stocked by major retailers in Ireland, including Foxford Woolen Mills, Brown Thomas, the National Gallery of Ireland, Kylemore Abbey, the Beehive in Achill, and Achill Island Kitchen.

Anna is currently exploring expanding into Italy and is working with the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland on an island guild of craftspeople from all the islands off the coast of Ireland. She also has hopes to open a shop on Achill and export globally.

Anna says: “I would highly recommended ACORNS to anyone in business. My business was relatively new when I started the programme, and it provided me with structure and guidance in running it at such an early stage.

“Running your own business can feel overwhelming and daunting at times, but with the support of my group, lead entrepreneur, and the wider community nothing ever appeared insurmountable or challenging. I was able to build an invaluable network of other female entrepreneurs and learn from them while simultaneously developing my skills, which took my business from strength to strength.”

Munaza Gilmore from The Brow Movement - - has also just completed the ACORNS programme. Originally from London, Munaza moved to Swinford where she runs The Brow Movement.

Said Munaza: “My journey with ACORNS has been nothing short of transformative. As a solopreneur, navigating the intricacies of business alone often felt daunting and isolating. However, ACORNS taught me the power of seeking support and reframing challenges as opportunities for growth.

“The most invaluable aspect of the ACORNS programme for me was guidance from our lead entrepreneur, Triona MacGiolla Rí, Aró Digital Strategies. With her expertise, I learned to assemble pieces I wouldn't have considered on my own. Her insights proved instrumental in reshaping my approach and propelling my venture forward.

“In addition to the invaluable insights gained, the connections forged with fellow participants, especially the remarkable women I've met, have enriched this journey beyond measure. These bonds extend beyond the programme, promising ongoing collaboration and support. Being a part of ACORNS has been an absolute delight, and I'm immensely grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such an empowering community.”

ACORNS is based on the belief that early-stage entrepreneurs learn best from their peers. Participants interact with each other in the monthly round table sessions, which are facilitated by a lead entrepreneur, who has first-hand experience of starting and successfully growing a business in rural Ireland.

Only early-stage female entrepreneurs living in rural Ireland, and who have had no sales before the end of June 2021, are eligible to apply. As ACORNS receives many more applications than there are places available, selection is on a competitive basis.

ACORNS 10 will run from October 2024 to April 2025 and will include six monthly round table sessions, a workshop on understanding financials, a briefing by various development agencies and an end-of-cycle celebration.

There will be no charge for those selected to participate thanks to the continuing support of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the voluntary contribution of time by the Lead Entrepreneurs.