Pictured at the unveiling of the plaque dedicated to Maira Kelly-Moore at Castle Street, Castlebar, are Cian Moore, Ann Cresham, Castlebar Tidy Towns, and John Kelly. PHOTO: ALISON LAREDO.

Plaque dedicated to 'a beautiful soul' unveiled in Mayo town centre

A PLAQUE dedicated to the late Maire Kelly-Moore has been unveiled by Castlebar Tidy Towns at Castle Street in the town.

A statement by the Tidy Towns committee stated: "When many people think of Castle Street they think of Kelly's Hair & Beauty Salon.

"But you can't do that without remembering Máire Kelly Moore, a beautiful soul who brought a special life to the street and the town.

"We are honoured to dedicate our flower project on the Castle Street wall to her memory.

"A special thank you to her son Cian, daughter Amy, her brothers, John and Tom and mother Teresa."