HIQA flags eight issues in need of addressing at Mayo IPAS centre

Residents 'happy, safe and well supported while living in facility'

An orange risk status has been placed by HIAQ in respect of the operation of the former convent in Ballyhaunis as an international protection centre.

After two unannounced inspections of the facility on consecutive days last May, the agency is flagging eight key issues as being 'partially compliant' with national standards and in need of urgent addressing.

They are as follows:

1. That the service provider monitors and reviews the quality of care and experience of children and adults living in the centre and this is improved on an ongoing basis.

2. That staff are supported and supervised to carry out their duties to promote and protect the welfare of all children and adults living in the centre.

3. That continuous training is provided to staff to improve the service provided for all children and adults living in the centre.

4. That the service provider will carry out a regular risk analysis of the service and develop a risk register.

5. That the service provider makes available accommodation which is homely, accessible and sufficiently furnished.

6. That the service provider makes available sufficient and appropriate non-food items and products to ensure personal hygiene, comfort, dignity, health and wellbeing.

7. That the service provider manages and reviews adverse events and incidents in a timely manner and outcomes inform practice at all levels.

8. That the service provider makes available a dedicated reception officer, who is suitably trained to support all residents, especially those people with special reception needs, both inside the accommodation centre and with outside agencies.

The service provider, Bridgestock Care Ltd, must now furnish a date on which all of these issues will be made compliant.

The centre has 291 beds, with 255 residents living in the centre at the time of the inspection. The centre has 52 family units where 105 adults and 129 children were living.

It is located within the town centre, and is in close proximity to local schools, crèches, pre-schools, shops, transport links, health and social services.

The facility comprises a main centre building which has nine independent living units, a laundry room, a large communal room, one study room, the shop and the administration office.

Adjacent to the main building, the centre has 17 two-storey houses and 12 bungalows which all accommodate families. There is a crèche, two playgrounds and a green area located adjacent to these houses.

The facility also has three blocks of apartments located within the town, and these are used to accommodate families and single male and single female residents. In addition, it has a single stand-alone house within the town that is vacant due to construction works.

The service is managed by a centre manager who reports to the regional manager. The is an assistant centre manager, two duty managers, a shop manager, a laundry manager and general support staff including maintenance, cleaning, kitchen and shop staff.

From speaking to residents and through observations made during the inspection, the inspectors found that residents were happy, safe and well supported while living in the centre.

"There was a culture of person-centred care and support observed by the inspectors. Residents were supported to live independent lives and to integrate into the local community.

"Staff working in the centre supported residents to integrate into the local community and the residents who spoke with inspectors said they felt safe, respected and listened to by staff.

"While there were improvements to be made in relation to the auditing, recording, training and risk management systems, residents were listened to and the staff team were eager to ensure they were providing a good quality service to residents

"The service provider and management team of the centre had a good understanding of the national standards, legislation and national policy, however, the systems and policies in the centre required further development to ensure full compliance with the

standards, " the inspector added.