Mayo woman's campaign for new access pathway celebrated in poetic style

Pictured by Alison Laredo is Noreen O'Malley with Councillor Ger Deere on the new pathway at Castlebar Town Park and here's a poem by Noreen's brother, Martin, to mark the event.

In Castlebar, where rivers flow, and green hills touch the sky,

Lives Noreen, my dear sister, with a sparkle in her eye.

She saw a need for access, for wheelchairs to have a route,

Across a bridge so people could move freely, without dispute.

She went to politicians from all creeds with a petition in her hand,

But they just shook their heads and said: "We don't quite understand."

Undeterred, our Noreen, with her spirit shining bright,

Met Ger Deere and made her case, she wouldn’t lose this fight.

With Ger Deere she scored a win, the bridge would get its way,

Now wheelchairs cross so easily, they travel every day.

Her name appeared in all local media , fame spread far and wide,

Now fans stop her in the street, with admiration in their eyes.

"There's Noreen!" people shout, "The hero of our town!"

She waves and signs autographs, never wearing a frown.

From Castlebar to Dublin, her story’s now well-known,

She fought for what was right and just, and now she’s in her zone.

We’re all so proud of Noreen, her courage and her grace,

She’s made our world more accessible, with a smile upon her face.

Her triumph is a beacon, her spirit shining clear,

In Castlebar and far beyond, we hold her oh so dear.

So here's to Noreen, champion, with a heart so full of cheer,

Who made a difference in our town, we hold her oh so dear.

With laughter and with humour, we celebrate her name,

For Noreen, our dear sister, has truly won the fame.

- by Martin O'Malley, Noreen's brother