People in Mayo encouraged to participate in People’s Covid Inquiry

PEOPLE in Mayo who lost loved ones in nursing homes during Covid-19 are being encouraged to participate in a new initiative by one of Ireland’s best known advocacy groups.

Care Champions, who advocate for the rights of vulnerable individuals and their families receiving care in Ireland, have launched a drive to hold ‘The People's Covid Inquiry’, to collate the stories of those affected by deaths of people in nursing homes during the pandemic.

Mayo Aontú Councillor Paul Lawless says: “The groundbreaking initiative is a vital step towards gathering information around the handling of thousands of deaths in nursing homes during the pandemic.

“The heartbreaking deaths of people in nursing homes during Covid-19 is one of the biggest human rights issues of our times; 2,457 people died in nursing homes with some 21,936 people contracting the virus in nursing homes during the pandemic.

“Aontú is the only party that has consistently campaigned for a full Covid inquiry that would compel people to testify. I’m afraid the government’s proposed ‘evaluation’ falls far short of this.”

He continued: “'The People’s Inquiry’ will gather the experiences of a wide range of people, including human rights experts, legal professionals and academics assembled to conduct this inquiry.

“It is being organised by Care Champions, a group that has been vocal in its calls for a thorough investigation into the policies and practices in Ireland’s care facilities during Covid. This independent review will collate information from surviving residents, family members, healthcare staff, healthcare experts and other key stakeholders in a bid to determine how Covid was handled in nursing homes.

“Also, importantly, it will detail their experiences in trying to get answers from official channels following the deaths of their loved ones.”

Added Councillor Lawless: “I believe this impartial and open enquiry is a crucial step in giving voice to the rights of people with disabilities, the elderly and their families. They need and absolutely deserve this.

“Aontú has strongly fought for an open and transparent inquiry. Anything less is an absolute insult to the thousands who died, to their families and loved ones and to those who strive for justice and fairness.”