Do Not Swim notice issued for Mayo beach

A Do Not Swim notice has been imposed at Carrowmore Beach in Louisburgh due to possible deterioration in bathing water quality.

Uisce Éireann crews are working to identify the cause of a deterioration in effluent quality at Louisburgh wastewater treatment plant.

Following consultation between Uisce Éireann, Mayo County Council’s environment section and the Health Service Executive, a bathing water prohibition has been imposed as a precaution at Carrowmore Beach.

The operations team is currently assessing the process.

Tankering from the wastewater treatment plant is in place and will continue while the issue is being investigated.

The bathing water prohibition notice will remain in place until results of bathing water sampling, which is scheduled for Monday, are available.

Uisce Éireann has acknowledge the impact this notice has on the community and its visitors and is working as quickly as possible to rectify the issue.