PHOTO: Willy B bus safely able to pass a once perilous bend

Mayo bus driver takes road safety into his own hands

Cuts dangerous trees on bad bend at his own expense

A bus driver in Lahardane has taken road safety into his own hands by personally funding the cutting of overgrown hedges along a dangerous bend to ensure the safety of his passengers and other road users.

William Barrett, owner of Willy B Bus Hire, was driving his regular route from Bofeenaun to Lahardane when he found his bus forced into the middle of the road due to overgrown hedgerows.

The overgrowth made a notorious bend on the route even more treacherous, creating a major safety concern for anyone using the road, particularly larger vehicles like Barrett’s bus.

"On Friday evening, there was very nearly a serious accident," Barrett said, recalling the incident. "It’s a dangerous bend as it is, but with trees falling onto the road, any car coming in the opposite direction would’ve been met by a bus over the white line,” trying to escape the overgrowth.

PHOTO: A Willy B bus over the white line after Flynn's bridge in Bofeenaun, making it treacherous for road users with overhanging trees.

The danger was particularly heightened at the rear of the bus, where the bend occurs. Faced with the immediate risk, Barrett decided to take action without delay. Over the weekend, he hired local hedge cutters to trim back the encroaching vegetation.

The hedge cutting began on Sunday, September 1, with safety being the top priority and regulation adhered to. Barrett also hired traffic operators to alert road users while the work was ongoing, ensuring accidents wouldn't occur during the process.

PHOTO: Hedge cutting in operation

Barrett explained why he felt compelled to pay for the hedge cutting out of his own pocket, "I was inundated with people asking me why I did it once I posted it on social media, but quite simply, there’s no time to dither and delay when it’s a major road safety concern. Lives were at risk, and if you want a job done, it’s best to do it yourself."

Despite the personal cost, Barrett is confident it was worth it, knowing that the road is now safer for everyone, especially the children he transports to school every day.

PHOTO: After the hedges had been cut by local hedge cutters.